Vision from Our CEO

Who We Are

“Pathfinders” represents two ideas of our target positioning.

One is “pioneer” which represents the position of our client people. They are aggressive challengers for new businesses or new markets which no one has succeeded in or even has challenged before, or leaders of business transformation like strategy revisioning or business re-modeling. We’d like to support such challengers in our client companies or in industry.

The other is “pilot” which represents our position as a management consultant in the market. We are here to take the lead of those challenging projects, side-by-side with our client leaders, showing the future direction like a compass.

That is, we’d like to be a pilot for pioneers, a pathfinder for pathfinders.

We’ve got our pride and our own style.

Unlike many commentator-like consultants, we always do help our clients’ improvement/innovation cycle of management with a hands-on style, by co-working with clients’ project members in developing/testing change hypotheses and implementing their action plans.

Unlike familiar “sophisticated temporary staff” consultants who replace client staff members by just working quickly, we undertake real value-added tasks exclusively depending on us, as a group of specialists with outstanding skills, knowledge, know-how and experiences.

We are a small firm, but would like to be nominated by our clients as a unique professional group and be a pathfinder, ourselves, in industry. That’s why we always work very hard together, looking for new perspectives.

Thank you for your interest in our services and for your co-operations.

Hiromichi HIOKI, President and CEO